How to send Desktop Notifications with Python

In this article, I will demonstrate how to create a Simple Desktop Notifier using python. A desktop notifier is a program that produces a desktop notification in the form of a popup. In our case, we will use the plyer module.
- plyer: Plyer module is used to access the features of the hardware. This module does not comes built-in with Python. We need to install it externally. To install this module type the below command in the terminal.
pip install plyer
Step 1) Import the notification class from plyer module.
from plyer import notification
Step 2) Call the notify method of this class.
Syntax: notify(title=”, message=”, app_name=”, app_icon=”, timeout=10, ticker=”, toast=False)
title (str) — Title of the notification
message (str) — Message of the notification
app_name (str) — Name of the app launching this notification
app_icon (str) — Icon to be displayed along with the message
timeout (int) — time to display the message for, defaults to 10
ticker (str) — text to display on status bar as the notification arrives
toast (bool) — simple Android message instead of full notification
Below is the implementation.
from plyer import notification
if __name__=="__main__":
title = "ALERT!!!",
message = "Take a break! It has been an hour!",
timeout = 10